As the days now get shorter and the sun angles change to lengthen out late afternoon shadows, my thoughts turn to the one "natural" thing in my life that remains unchanged yet unpredictable...Birds. Yes, Birds folks. Birds do things their way, on their time schedule, showing up (or not) when and where they choose, and for periods of time known only to them. Sure, we humans "think" we have things mostly figured out, but I for one hope we're wrong. I want to creep silently through the underbrush or along a line of trees in an open field never really knowing what I will see. That makes it special, new, different, each time I strap on the Bushnells. Do I have kind-of an idea what I may see where and when...sure, but the looking is the thing. "My" thing anyway.
At the end of my "supervisory day" with many individuals wanting to talk to me, ask me questions, garner opinions, ask permission, tap my computer skills, you name it, having the opportunity to stop for a peek at what's hiding in the trees is extremely cathartic. In a job where the same things are expected each month, each quarter, each year, and the cycle drudgingly repeats itself, isn't it nice that one activity remains where chance is everything, and I discovered it for myself? Yes, I say, YES! You see to me it's one of those things where the process of observing is as rewarding as the finding. Fishing an
d hunting are like that for many. Often individuals who consider themselves "sportsmen and women" are lumped together with those overzealous individuals in their ranks who take a different approach, one of conquering and capture, while their true interest lies in the mere experience, and not of the ultimate trophy.
As I approach 50 years of age and look out of these "middle-aged" (assuming of course, I'll be 100 when I die) eyes at the clamor around me, finding my "center" has been difficult. Those of you reading this who have been through it can relate, while those much under the 1/2 century mark will most likely wonder why the introverted speculation is necessary. I understand the quizzical look on your face as I too thought I had it all together, but trust me, and file this bit of advice in your sock drawer for someday; find your centering place, and "live" there, as the rooms are always big enough, the temperature is always just right, and the food is awesome. Don't let anyone or any "thing" spoil it for you, because if you are fortunate enough to discover it, you are going to be OK.
Yeah, OK is good enough sometimes...

As I approach 50 years of age and look out of these "middle-aged" (assuming of course, I'll be 100 when I die) eyes at the clamor around me, finding my "center" has been difficult. Those of you reading this who have been through it can relate, while those much under the 1/2 century mark will most likely wonder why the introverted speculation is necessary. I understand the quizzical look on your face as I too thought I had it all together, but trust me, and file this bit of advice in your sock drawer for someday; find your centering place, and "live" there, as the rooms are always big enough, the temperature is always just right, and the food is awesome. Don't let anyone or any "thing" spoil it for you, because if you are fortunate enough to discover it, you are going to be OK.
Yeah, OK is good enough sometimes...
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