Why do they do it? The better question may be; why do WE?
It’s been theorized for countless years that birds that do indeed “flock” together, do so mainly for safety reasons. (The old “safety in numbers” adage) Some folks opine that the “smaller” birds flock to lend their sheer numbers against a common foe, thereby overpowering the larger interloper with quantity. Life-saving confusion is often the byproduct of instantaneous mass dispersal from the intended landing zone of a hungry predator, and multiple “targets” befuddle a would-be diner when scattered about its table in their panicked evasion attempts. Some birds “huddle” together as a method for survival in the frigid arctic weather, and raise their young en masse to increase survivability. Flocks of birds often are able to locate necessary foraging grounds while working as a cohesive unit. Cooperation amongst species seems to benefit those who see the
value in connectedness. Often, similar species will link their proximity for a time too. Some may have “missed the first class bus” of migration and get stuck in coach with the less fortunate. Whatever the reasons, it seems to work for them.
Some even do it (“flock” that is…what did you think I was going to write?) while in flight. Who hasn’t seen Canada Geese overhead in their signature “V” formation? Did you ever ask yourself exactly why, or audibly notice that one side (of a flying goose “V” pattern) is always longer, only to be treated to the standard (Hell-ooo?) retort, “there are more geese on that particular side.” Well, no more…remember, it’s all in the aerodynamics, and leave it at that. If you are stubborn and want more info on this subject, click HERE as “why reinvent the wheel?” Furthermore, many other birds will fly in groups too, such as pelicans, cormorants, ducks, and (my favorite) starlings and the geese get all the attention. So just enjoy the spectacle and natural organization they provide and don’t stand directly beneath large flocks of birds looking up with your mouth open in wonder…just a tip there.
If you too like to watch starlings perform their unique amorphous shape-dancing, the video links below should provide you with many enjoyable minutes of stunning inexplicable wonder. (The first video is quite precious as the family behind the camera pontificates as they fil
m the starling’s attempts at self-organization. Pssst…what they don’t know (God bless ‘em) is that the starlings are flocking for an evening’s roost and have chosen an inappropriately sized shrubbery for their immense numbers…but I applaud their ponderings, but not their undeserved slang moniker, based upon the Latin name of the species. Remember, I always root for the underdogs…)
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Starlings (5)
Now that we have explored the avian world a bit and have considered some of the reasons that these animals hang together, let’s peek at ourselves for a moment and attempt to find similarities shall we? I was walking home from a corner store the other morning, fighting the sub-zero cold that had my city in its grip and reflecting on the conversation I had just participated in, when it hit me; commonness! That was it by Jove…that was the “glue” that humans need to “flock” just like birds often do. (Common interests, common pain, common foes, common heroes, common happiness, common whatever.) For the purposes of this blog I will focus on the “common foe” factor: extreme temperature,
being one of the strongest. What else brings complete strangers into conversation faster than sharing misery? Small “flocks” of humans quickly develop around similar topics of discussion…think about your office “water-cooler” and the buzz that continues to draw in others, seductively inviting their own contribution to the commonness. Additionally, why do fans of sports teams rally around each other at game time, in strange drinking establishments, with only the hope that the “other” competing team will do poorly? What makes folks instant friends after discovering that cancer is ravaging each other’s loved one? We as a species want to “flock” with common others…we want to have our opinions validated by others, we want to be with like-minded others and we seem to seek out places, situations, discussions, forums, etc. where we are a “part” of something larger than ourselves.
It’s been theorized for countless years that birds that do indeed “flock” together, do so mainly for safety reasons. (The old “safety in numbers” adage) Some folks opine that the “smaller” birds flock to lend their sheer numbers against a common foe, thereby overpowering the larger interloper with quantity. Life-saving confusion is often the byproduct of instantaneous mass dispersal from the intended landing zone of a hungry predator, and multiple “targets” befuddle a would-be diner when scattered about its table in their panicked evasion attempts. Some birds “huddle” together as a method for survival in the frigid arctic weather, and raise their young en masse to increase survivability. Flocks of birds often are able to locate necessary foraging grounds while working as a cohesive unit. Cooperation amongst species seems to benefit those who see the
Some even do it (“flock” that is…what did you think I was going to write?) while in flight. Who hasn’t seen Canada Geese overhead in their signature “V” formation? Did you ever ask yourself exactly why, or audibly notice that one side (of a flying goose “V” pattern) is always longer, only to be treated to the standard (Hell-ooo?) retort, “there are more geese on that particular side.” Well, no more…remember, it’s all in the aerodynamics, and leave it at that. If you are stubborn and want more info on this subject, click HERE as “why reinvent the wheel?” Furthermore, many other birds will fly in groups too, such as pelicans, cormorants, ducks, and (my favorite) starlings and the geese get all the attention. So just enjoy the spectacle and natural organization they provide and don’t stand directly beneath large flocks of birds looking up with your mouth open in wonder…just a tip there.
If you too like to watch starlings perform their unique amorphous shape-dancing, the video links below should provide you with many enjoyable minutes of stunning inexplicable wonder. (The first video is quite precious as the family behind the camera pontificates as they fil
Starlings (0)
Starlings (1)
Starlings (2)
Starlings (3)
Starlings (4)
Starlings (5)
Now that we have explored the avian world a bit and have considered some of the reasons that these animals hang together, let’s peek at ourselves for a moment and attempt to find similarities shall we? I was walking home from a corner store the other morning, fighting the sub-zero cold that had my city in its grip and reflecting on the conversation I had just participated in, when it hit me; commonness! That was it by Jove…that was the “glue” that humans need to “flock” just like birds often do. (Common interests, common pain, common foes, common heroes, common happiness, common whatever.) For the purposes of this blog I will focus on the “common foe” factor: extreme temperature,
It just might be that while in (our version of the “V”) with a “common” group of fellow people, we find the migration easier, the traveling more enjoyable, the food tastier, and the “warmth” more inviting. Why would common things bring us together in groups and shapes of varying sizes
Who really knows for sure...(Hell-ooo?) there just may be more humans on that particular side.
Who really knows for sure...(Hell-ooo?) there just may be more humans on that particular side.
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