Next time you are in Milwaukee for one of the dozen or so festivals that the residents of this corner of the Dairy State can boast about, don’t forget to visit the newest Wisconsin State Park; Lakeshore. Completed in 2007, this 17 acre piece of land formerly known as Harbor Island, connects the Hank Aaron State Trail, and the Oak Leaf Trail with Milwaukee’s recreational lakefront. This pristine man-made chunk of land forms natural inland harbor sanctuary for many interesting species of bird life, particularly those that float, swim, and dive. A large (20-slip) marina is adjacent to the shore with multiple slips for rental. The fees for which are collected and handled by the Friends of Lakeshore Park. The scenery around the park is what really sells it as a premiere destination as the grounds themselves don't feature a single tree. Plenty of comfy resting spots have been donated and are permanently affixed to the infrastructure, and you can see totally across the entire area, so losing the kiddies is a near impossibility.
I had the pleasure of taking a wintertime stroll with my wife over this past weekend, across the mostly snowless concrete paths, looking for (of course) birds. One does not have to look very hard to see the many birds that congregate. I catalogued Mallards, Coots, Black Ducks, Greater Scaups, Common mergansers, Common Goldeneye and Herring gulls. The acreage was posted quite plainly with signage indicating that whomever was in charge of the design, has chosen a prairie theme, complete with all the necessary plantings to achieve this ecosystem. The signs quietly warned visitors to stay off the inland plantings so as to give them a chance to establish themselves, which was just fine with me as I fought off the intense urge to frolic across them, and just concentrated on the birds.
While standing on the beautiful and artsy Lakeshore State Park Bridge, I noticed that the wind creating its own soundtrack as it whistled through
the decorative ironwork that festoons the side safety railings. “What a nice touch,” I thought to myself as I stood listening to the changing pitch, looking through the Bushnells at the dozens of water birds below at the water’s edge. I was transfixed by the activity and the camaraderie amongst the different species, each one doing its own thing, minding its own business, but performing the necessary functions for the continuation of their own niche’…kinda’ like all the many thousands of human visitors to the Summerfest grounds just a hundred yards away. To the west lies the newly finished Discovery World at Pier Wisconsin. Beyond it is the world renowned Santiago Calatrava designed, Milwaukee Art Museum. Funny terminology here...I have always thought that to put the word “museum” with “art” (which is done all the time) is a true misnomer. For me, the word conjures up static dusty old stuff, sitting around forever that is all roped off and inaccessibly boring; bug collections, ancient taxidermy, etc. If anyone ever asked me what I think, I’d tell them to call it the Milwaukee Art Experience or the Milwaukee Art Extravaganza, or some such terminology that (at least) suggests life and newness and something vibrant…but that’s just me and I digress…back to the birds. Are you ready for the Birdstud Bird Quiz? - The water birds in the photo below are numbered 1-4. What are they? - Guesses to birdstud@birdstud.com
I had the pleasure of taking a wintertime stroll with my wife over this past weekend, across the mostly snowless concrete paths, looking for (of course) birds. One does not have to look very hard to see the many birds that congregate. I catalogued Mallards, Coots, Black Ducks, Greater Scaups, Common mergansers, Common Goldeneye and Herring gulls. The acreage was posted quite plainly with signage indicating that whomever was in charge of the design, has chosen a prairie theme, complete with all the necessary plantings to achieve this ecosystem. The signs quietly warned visitors to stay off the inland plantings so as to give them a chance to establish themselves, which was just fine with me as I fought off the intense urge to frolic across them, and just concentrated on the birds.
While standing on the beautiful and artsy Lakeshore State Park Bridge, I noticed that the wind creating its own soundtrack as it whistled through

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