♫...Just around the river bend...waiting just around the river bend...♪

I look once more, just around the river bend of my favorite tiny stretch of the glorified drainage ditch that is the Menomonee River, to see what may be waiting...or is that "wading." Sure enough, there they are; Mr. Mallard and his beautiful better half. They're paddling ever so quietly, just at the edge of the undercut. I stand there, motionless watching...just
watching. I am idly wondering how many people would even pause a moment to see what is a rather commonplace water bird, when behind me I hear, "Coming Through!" I turn suddenly towards the interruption, to nearly be knocked into the drink by two of the
BRAINDEAD. Damn I hate that! I'm telling you...what a totally ridiculous hobby to spoil a perfectly serene moment of natural commune. Grrrrrrrrr...

I don't know what I have more of a problem with; the flamboyantly festooned cyclists bent on tear-assing up the nature trails, or the idiots who (like this other guy on my little first walk of the season) walk his German Sheppard off the leash, so that it's a full 25 yards ahead of him! Shortly after the BRAINDEAD encounter, I am turned away from the thin path staring upward through my binoculars, minding my own business, when my peripheral vision catches the blur of fur on a bee-line towards me. You guessed it...the guy's dog has damn-near scared the crap outta' me when I realize the size and breed approaching...no owner in sight. Sheeesh! That's unnerving I'll tell you. I believe I uttered some sort of feral sound, as my brain attempted to catch up with my options. Hey, buddy...you ever hear of a thing called a "leash law!"
Allow me a brief tutorial on the local Leash LAW!
Milwaukee City Charter Ordinance - Chapter 63-1. Definitions. In this chapter: 1. AT LARGE means an animal is off the premises of its owner and on any park or parkway without the permission of the department or the director. Any animal shall not be deemed to be at large if any one of the following conditions occurs: a. It is attached to a leash not more than 6 feet in length which is of sufficient strength to restrain the animal and the leash is held by a person competent to govern the animal and prevent it from annoying or worrying persons in the park or parkway. Oh well...such was my first 1/2 hour back on my local birding trail. I can hardly wait for the brush to fill out so I can't see them coming even FARTHER away from me.

The Milwaukee County Grounds, another of my favs, yielded some more first of the year birds. This area of Milwaukee County, referred to as the Detention Basin is truly "growing" in popularity for many marshland inhabitants. This is the third spring for this recently completed dewatering project, and the surrounding fauna are taking hold nicely. The late afternoon cold air is filled with the various sounds of life;
Red-winged blackbirds,
Song sparrows,
Killdeer, American robins, and dogs barking. Oh yeah, they're here too. Bunches of them with their hands-off owners trailing way behind them, frolicking and biting at each other as they (gag-me) "socialize." I just
have to get over this, don't I? Well...it's hard! I am a law abiding citizen who follows society's rules; particularly when NOT following them, infringes directly on other people's nice days. I promise...perhaps I'll try to turn even my
other two cheeks, but it won't be easy...no sir.
Ok, back to the birding...perhaps I'll try it next time with a few cocktails in me, before I go out...just to mellow me out. Care to join me? Great, but leave your bicycle and dog at home thank you
...♫ just around the river bend...♪ ♪
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