Let's plant some flowers to brighten up the front of the house...you know, some instant "curb-appeal" and something nice to make a person smile.
- Two flats of Home Depot marigolds planted firmly in the soil in front of the house...check.
- Sufficient watering for new plants...check.
- Sunny conditions to spur on new growth...check.
- A crap-load of newly hatched 2010 (cute as a button) bunny rabbits who apparently think that marigold leaves, and flowers (and not the stems) are delicious...check?

But now, pondering the bunny infestation, my loss of marigolds, and the obvious conundrum surrounding their impossible God-given cute-ness - linked to the inevitable question of, "how could I possible take retribution against such a lovably-soft, large-eyed mammal?" I summarize that I'd rather fight Zombies instead...assuming of course that Zombies would (or could) eat marigolds. THEN, at least I could pull the trigger and eliminate a few horrid, hellspawn marigold-mauraders with a clear conscience.
But bunnies?...c'mon...that's not fair.
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