Birding, (bird-watching) as do many other human passions like
art, music, theater, sports, etc. crosses all geographical boundaries,
cultures, races and languages. This is a
fact which I have been personally witnessing; particularly in the past two
years. The real key to meaningful participation
is to make yourself available, and to just say “yes.”
When these unique opportunities present themselves; I am humbled. What I find most humbling as a “typical American” is how I have somehow managed not to learn anyone else’s native language in my 54 years. It often makes me wonder what I have been spending my time doing. I suppose it’s a question many people ask themselves; but I am determined not to let it scare me away from any multi-cultural experience; especially bird-watching.
When these unique opportunities present themselves; I am humbled. What I find most humbling as a “typical American” is how I have somehow managed not to learn anyone else’s native language in my 54 years. It often makes me wonder what I have been spending my time doing. I suppose it’s a question many people ask themselves; but I am determined not to let it scare me away from any multi-cultural experience; especially bird-watching.
That brings me to my new Chinese friend Tian Yu. He reached out to me through my website
( ) to ask if I had the time to go bird watching with
him. He wrote me an email (in English) explaining his
reason for being in Milwaukee (staying with his girlfriend who is attending
UWM) and that he was interested to connect with someone from the area to watch birds
with. Now (my fellow typical Americans)
just consider even that premise for a moment…you are in a foreign country and
take a huge risk reaching out to a complete stranger in your best (written foreign
language) to ask about an opportunity to meet and (fill-in-the-blank). That takes courage people; particularly if
you have a vivid imagination like mine!
I worry that if I get confused in one of the “Mexican” grocery stores in
Milwaukee that I won’t be able to properly “ask” where the corn tortillas are,
without being laughed at and secretly mocked by the native-speaking store employees.
After introductions and my feeble, “Ni Hao,” we drove to
Lake Park and watched birds together for several hours. His girlfriend (I wish I could say her name
properly; but it sounded like “We-belo” to me) took a spare pair of his
binoculars and attempted to be interested in what we were doing. Yu and I (of course) needed very little
dialog, as the birds did the talking between us birders. He spoke English very well and only needed
some minor help from We-belo to make a finer point of clarification. We both took photos of what we had seen (with
me providing the narrative and identification for his blue spiral-bound loose-leaf
notebook of avian sightings). I found
that speaking slowly and using exaggerated hand movements and body language
sufficed as I (the typical American) communicated with them. Humbling.
I thankfully had another chance to redeem myself when Yu
emailed me again two weeks later to ask about birding. Jumping at the chance to hang out with him
again; I picked him up in my (new-used 2006 Dakota truck) on Milwaukee’s east
side (on the 29th of April) to show him one of my more favorite and
productive birding spots; the Menomonee River (Underwood Creek) Parkway and
County Grounds in Wauwatosa, WI. After
work, I drove to get Yu at the usual place.
We then stopped briefly off at the house to take Opie for a potty break. He presented me with a gift of Asian incense
sticks; telling me that Chinese monks could control their dreams when smelling
this scent. I laughed about that and
accepted it as a treasured memento. I needed to fetch my binoculars, before
driving to SPT (Silver Pick-up Truck) eventually into the shadows of the
Harmonee Avenue Bridge to park. The
weather was cool and somewhat overcast as we walked along the railroad tracks
to the west to look for birds. Yu was
wearing the Phillips 66, blue, U.S.-themed, baseball cap I had given him the
last time we met. I had impressed on him
the value of having a sun-brim when bird watching. He listened.
He also wore his trusty back-pack and carried his Panda 10X50s and his
Fuji DSLR camera.
On cue; Yu saw one sitting still on a thin
branch above the rushing water. We both
took pictures. From our vantage point I
could not determine the sex of the bird as the chest was not visible. Otherwise the chestnut brown color chest-band
of the females (if there) would have made that possible. Belted Kingfishers breed from Alaska eastward
across southern Canada and south throughout most of U.S. They spend winters on
the Pacific coast north to southeastern Alaska, and throughout the south, north
to the Great Lakes and along the Atlantic coast to New England. These have been sighted here in this place
for many years, regardless of the depth of the creek/river.
At one point along the walk, I heard the sound of an American
robin alarm-whistle. I immediately
stopped and told Yu to look for a hawk and explained that the whistle alerts all sorts of avian creatures to the presence of a dangerous raptor. Yu spotted a Cooper’s hawk across the water sitting high in a tree. Yu definitely has good vision for single birds highlighted against the sky. We watched and he photographed for a moment, before it flew off to the north. The robin was relieved and stopped his whistle. We moved on.
stopped and told Yu to look for a hawk and explained that the whistle alerts all sorts of avian creatures to the presence of a dangerous raptor. Yu spotted a Cooper’s hawk across the water sitting high in a tree. Yu definitely has good vision for single birds highlighted against the sky. We watched and he photographed for a moment, before it flew off to the north. The robin was relieved and stopped his whistle. We moved on.
One bird however eluded Yu’s attempt to see it for quite a while; the Song sparrow on the far bank. I spotted it because it was moving. That’s my birding Achilles heel; I need to see movement or I miss a lot of birds. That’s why I’m always super glad to go birding with Barbara – she sees still (unmoving) animals. I pointed across the river/creek in that wildly unhelpful way that excited birders do; saying things about dirt patches, bushes, and finally the position of a clock face; all to no avail. Yu just could not see it. I finally resorted to taking a picture first, then showing him on the screen by pointing to it. That helped immensely and he finally saw it; taking a digital photograph.
Do you see the Song sparrow? |
![]() |
How about now? |
We passed many joggers, dog-walkers and bicyclists on the
dirt pathway as we stopped to stare at a bunch of Common grackles, Red-winged
blackbirds, and Ruby-crowned kinglets.
We finally ended up at the railroad tracks and crossed them on the way
to the County Grounds retention basin area.
Once there, I marveled at the amount of Cattails in the basin that had self-seeded
over the past five years. Yu told me
that in China; they are called “dog-tails.”
We saw many robins walking along the clear areas, and even heard the”
whinny” call of a Sora rail buried somewhere in the reeds. This area is definitely turning out to be a
marvelous ecosystem for bird life.
It was getting late in the afternoon and the sun was threatening to set within the next 30 minutes. The temperatures were cooling off as we returned to the SPT. We had seen quite a few birds in a few hours. Many of these would be Yu’s first ever. Two FOYs for me were the Rough-winged sparrows and the single Palm warbler. Yes, it was a great walk indeed. As I began to take off my own birding gear, I wanted to give Yu another gift so I unhooked my Eagle Optics birding binocular harness and handed it to him. I asked if he would accept it. He looked slightly stunned and graciously told me he would. We hooked it to his Pandas and I fitted them to his body with the adjusting elastic straps. It felt great knowing that he would head back to China and have a special gift from me with him, each time he went out bird watching.
It was getting late in the afternoon and the sun was threatening to set within the next 30 minutes. The temperatures were cooling off as we returned to the SPT. We had seen quite a few birds in a few hours. Many of these would be Yu’s first ever. Two FOYs for me were the Rough-winged sparrows and the single Palm warbler. Yes, it was a great walk indeed. As I began to take off my own birding gear, I wanted to give Yu another gift so I unhooked my Eagle Optics birding binocular harness and handed it to him. I asked if he would accept it. He looked slightly stunned and graciously told me he would. We hooked it to his Pandas and I fitted them to his body with the adjusting elastic straps. It felt great knowing that he would head back to China and have a special gift from me with him, each time he went out bird watching.
Tian Yu, Chinese Birdwatcher |
Blue Jay |
- Pied-billed Grebe
- Canada Goose
- Mallard
- Greater Scaup
- Common Goldeneye
- Common Merganser
- Turkey Vulture
- Cooper's Hawk
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Sora
- Ring-billed Gull
- Herring Gull
- Rock Pigeon
- Mourning Dove
- Belted Kingfisher
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Hairy Woodpecker
- Northern Flicker
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Northern Rough-winged Swallow
- Black-capped Chickadee
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
- Hermit Thrush
- American Robin
- Palm Warbler
- Chipping Sparrow
- Song Sparrow
- Dark-eyed Junco
- Northern Cardinal
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Common Grackle
- Brown-headed Cowbird
- House Finch
- American Goldfinch
- House Sparrow
Song Shu in a nest cavity |
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