Destination Havenwoods State Forest - Milwaukee, WI. Saturday, April 2, 2016. (8:00 - 11:30)
The weather man said that it would be cold (29 degrees) and snowing...he was right. My co-worker, Robert Massey and I had made plans earlier in the week to go birding on this particular Saturday morning and we were determined not to let
his first time at Havenwoods be a bummer; regardless of the semi-foul weather. Oddly enough our area was having what might be referred to as an "early spring." The temperatures had been into the high 50's with sun and fair conditions before Mother Nature had decided on this post-Easter (April-fool's) meteorological prank.
Crazy birders on a snowy April day |
We had accidentally stumbled upon the fact that each of us had a common interest in bird watching. I think it was mainly because Robert was going my way home one afternoon and noticed how gregariously I had festooned my truck with a large black decal of a bird on the driver's door. Either that or the full-size set of silver hands holding a pair of 12 X 50 Bushnell's I had affixed to the hood as an ornament. Regardless; there's nothing like a completely unorthodox decorated vehicle to strike up conversation. After a few minutes chatting about all things bird; we had decided that it would be fun to "go birding sometime," and this was that some time.
Robert is a very capable and knowledgeable bird watcher. He is particularly adept at seeing raptors and other birds that I would miss standing still. We had a great morning watching birds! Here are a few of the images I took while we crisscrossed the varying snow-covered ecosystems of Havenwoods.
Havenwoods in the snow - 2016 |
The stream... |
Robert Massey stands on the snow-covered bridge and looks for birds |
These snow-covered (last year's) thistles await the sun |
Far off Northern flicker sits in a snowy tree. |
We were stalked by a Turkey...but only its tracks gave it away |
The elusive Brown creeper is here! |
Single Mallard (L) and three Blue-winged teals (R) |
Mr. Robert Massey |
The "cute" Black-capped Chickadee |
One feather out of place on this American Robin |
Havenwoods with an American Kestrel in the foreground |
The Song sparrow sings his tiny heart out! |
The determined Downy woodpecker |
Three Canada geese (flying north?) |
Eastern Bluebirds |
Eastern Bluebird |
The majestic American Robin |
Robert and I tallied a very respectable 32 species!
- Mallard
- Blue-winged teal
- Great Blue heron
- Cooper's hawk
- Re-tailed hawk
- American kestrel
- Ring-billed gull
- Herring gull
- Rock pigeon
- Mourning dove
- Downy woodpecker
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Northern (yellow-shafted) flicker
- Eastern phoebe
- American crow
- Black-capped chickadee
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Brown creeper
- Ruby-crowned kinglet
- Golden-crowned kinglet
- Eastern bluebird
- American robin
- Brown thrasher
- European starling
- Yellow (Myrtle) warbler
- Song sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
- Northern cardinal
- Eastern meadowlark
- Common grackle
- House finch
- House sparrow
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