It always amazes me how quickly the spring and summer flies by in the midwest. Everyone I know packs as much as possible into the three months of "nice" weather; including me. Here we are in the month of September and my first extended time to do some local bird watching. So after work on Monday, I drove to the small parking lot which is accessed by driving under the Harmonee Avenue bridge in downtown Wauwatosa, WI.
The first thing I noticed on my walk was that the foliage I encountered in May had grown incredibly tall and thick along the sides of the trail. Entire sections of the foot/bike path were almost overgrown. I also saw that the generally brimming and fast moving Menomonee River (Underwood Creek) was very low with much of its bed showing vast stretches of exposed rock and boulders. Cedar waxwings were plentiful high in the trees along the riverbank. They took turns alternating between the branches taking acrobatic short flights back and forth to catch afternoon insects, as American robins ate the juicy dark blue berries of the invasive Common Buckthorn tree.
I spotted a Black and white warbler and an American redstart above my
head with a trio of Black-capped chickadees chattering away. White-breasted nuthatches climbed trees behind me and the chattering call of the Red-bellied woodpecker from across the water caused me to get out my binoculars for a look. New England asters and goldenrod grew in large patches along the trail and many varieties of tall grains and grasses filled the detention pond basin. Cabbage white butterflies flitted here and there in search of the aforementioned asters or cruciferous vegetables it would not find here as the occasional Monarch drifted by on its own secret mission.
Cicadas could still be heard in the trees as the temperature was warm despite the afternoon waning sunshine. Men on mountain bicycles in search of exercise and adventure came up from behind me on the trail shouting, "on your left" as I dodged into the brush to avoid being struck. Others walking dogs both on and off leash strolled by me as I stood from time to time staring into the trees after a quick movement was noticed. Getting out into the woods is very refreshing and regenerating after a long day in the office.
The Menomonee River was low |
Cabbage white butterfly |
Beautiful grains and goldenrod |
If I stay one will see me. |
Here is the list of birds I saw on this 2-hour walk:
- American robin
- Bluejay
- American crow
- Common grackle
- Song sparrow
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Black-capped chickadee
- Cedar waxwing
- Red-eyed vireo
- Belted kingfisher
- Great blue heron
- Mallard
- Mourning dove
- Red-bellied woodpecker
- Black and white warbler
- American redstart
- Hermit thrush
- Cooper's hawk
- Hairy woodpecker
- Chimney swift
- American goldfinch
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