...and now for something completely different...
For all you out there (and I just KNOW you're out there) who are not bird aficionados by nature, I will now acquiesce and discuss the plethora of the non-avian fauna to be found in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons of Wyoming. (In other words; Here's your mammal fix!)
Say (for instance) you are more a fan of fur than of feather, and wonder where you would possibly find the creatures of your favorite persuasion; in short, they're EVERYWHERE! Get up early on any given day, get in the car and drive in any direction keeping an eye out for the other cars that are stopped along the road. If you see one car, stop, get out with your camera, walk over to the nearest tourist and ask, "What do you see?" (providing it's not already obvious). Two things I have noticed about human nature are; people want to be the ones who discovered something and to share that information with others, inserting into the briefest of conversations, claim for said discovery, and that people want to be included in the moment and share the hysteria of all cool/interesting/one-of-a-kind things. Only the noblest among us wouldn't jump at the
chance to take credit for something perceived as "special" in the way of a discovery, even the most simplistic and meaningless; and furthermore, why else would anyone purchase one lottery ticket for a buck for the totally enormous (no way in hell could you crack the odds) grand prize drawings? To be a "part" of something really cool/interesting/one-of-a-kind, right? But take heed of this little courtesy tip; Park OFF the roadway please! I was driving down the road when a buffalo herd decided to cross in front of the cars and walk next to the shoulder. I stopped and waited as is intelligently safe and so did the cars in the oncoming lane. The beasts moved on and so did I, but the car facing me just SAT there. The driver had gotten out and was now shooting pictures of the behemoths while allowing his idling car to clog up the only lane! The beeping and honking that ensued would have been enough to shame even the most die hard selfish motorist into moving, but not this guy. He seemed oblivious to the cacophony that was raging in his rear view mirror...(sheesh!...must have been a foreigner, or a guy from Chicago) Damned if he was going to let this Kodak moment get away from him...screw the world! It's just that moments like that, remind me of one of my all-time worst motor vehicular pet peeves; right turn on red, without even touching the break! Most drivers I have witnessed never even slow down to make that turn at a red light, let alone come to a complete (law abiding) stop. They proceed as if it was their God-given right to whip around the corner come hell, high water, or the unwitting pedestrian who happens to be nimbly attempting their cross. But I digress...

OK, back to hairy mammals...the 4-legged ones. The list of ones "accidentally" seen by this birdwatcher are; Bison, Grizzly bear, Coyote, Red fox, Marmot, Mountain Chipmunk, 13-lined Ground Squirrel, Uinta Ground Squirrel, Pika, Mountain Goat, Pronghorn Antelope, Moose, Bighorn Sheep, Mule Deer, and Gray Wolf.
Seeing these (admittedly magnificent) creatures while birding, is akin to watching a fight and a hockey game breaking out to me; the Birdstud, but I did manage to use a few digital images on them (just for practice, mind you). I even had to wait out a buffalo who decided that where my tripod and scope were sitting was a great place to loiter. Mr. Coyote graced my path with a stop and drop. He looked a bit ill at ease as I pointed my camera in his direction just as he squatted.

The moral of the story here is that Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons have much to offer everyone who fancies animal life of all kinds...just be kind, pull over and let EVERYONE enjoy their vacations, puleeze!
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