Monday, October 27, 2008

Who IS Joe the Plumber anyway?

I am Joe the Plumber...Really!

This blog submission will not be politically slanted... I swear. It's really intended to deflate some stereotypical beliefs and to serve as an affirmation of a few little-known details regarding a handful of tradespeople, that don't fit a standard template. If you have read my bloggy little thoughts in the past, you'll no doubt already have a pretty good idea what's inside my head. For the rest of you who accidentally stumbled into this environment, sorry but you'll catch on fast.

Yes, it's true that I am a Master plumber and have been plumbing (with yes, an actual license) since 1980. I do not own my own business now (or yet), but worked for a family business for 17 years. During that time working closely with my father and mother, I learned what hard work, persistence, and steadfastness to the cause were all about. If the work was slow, the paychecks were slim. If the customers did not pay, the business received no money, but employees and Uncle Sam still got theirs. Hours spent on the phone pleading for a payment from Mrs. Smiths and Mr. Jones taught me that people will accept a pay-as-you-go plan if offered; thank you very much, and the priority for actually paying off a bill for a potty repair, easily falls from their radar when compared to a week's worth of groceries. (Which by the way, they paid for 100%, before leaving the store.) Seeing the working world from this angle provided me with a unique opportunity for balance, when (after moving to the "big city," and learning "how we do things here") I joined the "Local" in 1988. Money was instantly better and work was plentiful, but it didn't take long to see that ALL workers (no matter what their abilties, attitude or work ethic) are treated as a group, no matter what. Remembering that these men and women were all licensed by the State and may have had different strengths and weaknesses, didn't matter to the "contract" signed by their employers. I could see how this union of the trades, was a powerful tool for leveling out the playing field for all workers due to their affilation with it. Everyone moved along at the same pace, same economic benefit, same paycheck amounts right? No. Contractors somehow found a way to reward their star performers. Those that shined brighter were compensated at a different level than their "brothers" who just showed up, mailed it in, whatever. That's Not Fair right? (FYI: the "contract" was only a "minimum" required amount.) I thought we were all "equal" here...well, I was not complaining as I was one that was being "over compensated" for my ability and attitude, but some were definitely hacked off. After all, equity for all right?

Why bring this up B-Stud? Well, just know that no matter what economic system is created to artificially balance or equalize everyone by rules, laws, "fairness" or by contract; hard work, persistence, and steadfastness to the cause, still motivates some "Joe the Plumbers" to want, and achieve more than the next plumber. It's just human nature (for some) right?

Well, it is for THIS "Joe the Plumber"/husband/birdwatcher/balloon animal-tyer/gardener/House-watcher/volunteer/website author/blogger/Dad.

So, the only thing I will say political is, VOTE. Vote your choice, vote your heart, vote your future, but do vote. (or just be quiet, once the winner is chosen, and accept your contract.)

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